Ave everyone! Corona has, in many ways, been a challenging time for many of us, including myself. And when it is not possible to tour, it also means no income. And since my side job between our last two albums was working on shows and various events, I have not been able to fall back on it either, but I am a survivor! I always find strength in myself and ways to adapt to new and unexpected situations. And I'm pretty creative after-all. So when it became clear to me that this pandemic would stay with us for a while, keep us off the road and force us to keep social distances, it made me start brainstorming different business ideas that would fit into this new situation.
Many of you may not know this, but I have always been interested in and/or worked with different forms of design. And since the mid-90s, I have for periods worked as a consultant on the side of the band, which means that I have been my own boss, chosen my clients and projects, which is a work strategy that I think suits me very well. So continuing to brainstorm ideas in that direction was pretty obvious to me. Anyway, to make a long story short. Once I had come up some absolutely fantastic ideas, I decided to start a new design brand under my own name "Lord Ahriman", where I can realize all these epic ideas that I have, ideas that I can not realize with Dark Funeral of course!
My first design & release was my signature guitar strap through Richter Straps. Now I am very enthusiastic and eager to present & eventually show you my next release, which is almost ready for launch. It is a Satanic jewelry series, which I have designed and worked to realize together with Tyvodar Jewellery. The first collection will consist of a ring, earrings & a pair of necklaces and more to come. I hope that everyone who is interested in this type of symbolism will like them.
Anyway. In addition to working with my new brand and a few other things, I have and is currently also working hard on a new Dark Funeral album. And just like on our previous album, I focus on writing & pre-producing the music in my simple home studio, while Heljarmadr write lyrics and tracks vocals. Jalomaah has also started working on making the drums more epic than my programmed demo drums. However, some work remains before we are ready to book a studio and record a new album, but we are moving forward. The most important thing is that the end result will be epic!
Lord Ahriman, DARK FUNERAL